Friday, June 10, 2011

Mashable and Being MIA

I am sad to say that it has been nine days since I have posted anything to my blog. That is pretty sad when you figure that it kicked off as the result of auditing a class. With my vacation tying up and tying up a few other things, I am hoping to get back to full strength on here and in regard to the class as a whole.

Since I am such a sharer, I figured the next thing I would post about is Mashable, which is basically a center that brings together all sorts of news reports relating to everything that is social networking and Web 2.0. As you can imagine, access is pretty diverse. You can subscribe to it through Facebook, Twitter, LinkdIn, a number of other sites. You can also download apps to use with your iPhone/iPad/iPod, Droid, or other G3 or G4 phone.

A friend of mine actually introduced me to it. One thing that is fun about the source is that it includes things that would be considered news, such as announcements about changes to services or technology from companies like Facebook, Microsoft, and Apple to just general interest stories about neat new apps and services or statistics about trends in connected to cell phones and Web 2.0.

Feel free to check it out and share your thoughts about it. I like the app as the best way to access the news. It pushes "breaking news" announcements for each new story so I see it and can follow up to read the article if I am interested. The same could be said for the AP, CNN, and NPR apps.

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